Bless the Summer Staff

You are playing an important part in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)! Your prayers and financial support make a big difference!

PRAY: Join Fireside Chats to receive bi-monthly prayer requests and updates from Camp.

GIVE ONLINE: Please write the name of the Summer Staffer that you are sponsoring in the “Add a Message” section of this online donation form. Summer Staff serve for 10 weeks. One week of matching support is on average $250-$300. Note: Once a Summer Staffer has reached their Matching Goal (average = $2500 – $3,000), additional donations will be given towards the ministry of Camp.

GIVE BY CHECK: Please make all checks payable to Camp Beechpoint, with the name of the Summer Staffer in the Memo Line. Mail check to: Camp Beechpoint, 3212 125th Ave, Allegan, MI 49010

Meet the Team!