Bless the Summer Staff
You are playing an important part in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)! Your prayers and financial support make a big difference!
PRAY: Join Fireside Chats to receive bi-monthly prayer requests and updates from Camp.
GIVE ONLINE: Please write the name of the Summer Staffer that you are sponsoring in the “Add a Message” section of this online donation form. Summer Staff serve for 10 weeks. One week of matching support is on average $250-$300. Note: Once a Summer Staffer has reached their Matching Goal (average = $2500 – $3,000), additional donations will be given towards the ministry of Camp.
GIVE BY CHECK: Please make all checks payable to Camp Beechpoint, with the name of the Summer Staffer in the Memo Line. Mail check to: Camp Beechpoint, 3212 125th Ave, Allegan, MI 49010
Meet the Team!
The following young adults have committed their summer to growing, selflessly serving and sharing the hope of Christ with urban and under-resourced youth at Camp Beechpoint!
God has called them to go & serve. Is God calling you to join their support team?